About Dancing Stars Toowoomba
Dancing Stars Toowoomba is well known in the community for offering students the opportunity to perform at various community events. Our students have had the opportunity to display their talent, build their confidence and enjoy the thrill of performing at various School Fetes, Shopping Centres, Football Games, Nursing Homes, Retirement Villages, Local Business Launch Events, Fashion Shows, Toowoomba Show, Carnival of Flowers, Christmas Wonderland, Local Markets, Colour Runs, Bites n Beats and various other events – just to name a few!
Why Dance?
Dance is an excellent way for students to increase and improve: –
Self Confidence, Self Esteem, Social Skills, Motor Skills & Coordination, Balance & Spatial Awareness, Agility & Flexibility, Muscular Tone, Strength, Endurance and Control, Weight Management, Aerobic Capacity and Fitness, Focus, Concentration, Application & General and Psychological Wellbeing